The 2009 Global Financial Services Centres Conference

Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th May 2009


Conference Programme

Monday 16th June 2008
Back | Day 2

Time Slot Event Speakers Papers
08:00 Registration & Networking Breakfast      
08:30 Welcome Address
Ken O'Brien, Conference Director
Session chair: Patrick Young
Patrick L Young, Chairman, Derivatives Vision
Ken O'Brien, Conference Director & Publisher, Finance Dublin 
08:40 Developing a Positive Regulatory & Fiscal Governance Environment for Successful Financial Centres.

The 'Trans Atlantic Financial Centres' of the USA-EU include 22 of the top 50 financial centres in
the world, according to the recently published GFCI Index.

Commissioner Charlie McCreevy, the EU Commissioner who has espoused the agenda of
promoting the EU's regulation as a positive contributor to the EU economy speaks on how the 17 top centres within his remit can prosper in the context of increasing competition for business in a
hard pressed financial services environment. 
Charlie McCreevy, Commissioner for the Internal Market, European Commission  Download

09:00 Developing a Positive Regulatory & Fiscal Governance Environment for Successful Financial Centres(2)

SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins speaks on how SEC regulation can proceed while ensuring that
global financial centres, such as no 2 ranked New York, no 8th ranked Chicago, 11th ranked Boston,
12th ranked San Francisco, and 20th ranked Washington can prosper and retain financial services employment, while encouraging an open trans Atlantic financial services regulatory and trading dialogue. 
Paul S. Atkins, Member TARP Oversight Panel, US Congress, & Former Commissioner SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission  Download

09:20 Global Financial Centres - Rise and Fall

- Winners and losers around the world
- Global Financial Centres Index: methodology and operation
- Winning strategies: old categories, new entrants
- Policy implications: the non-zero-sum game of global finance
- Success: what makes a successful global financial centre? 
Professor Michael Mainelli, Executive Chairman, Z/Yen  Download

10:00 Refreshments sponsored by HSBC      
10:20 Tax Competition: A Threat or a Saviour?

What influence does tax have on location decisions?
How are governments reacting
Tax Competition: the Liechtenstein factor 
Jeffrey Owens, Head of Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD  Download

10:40 The Liechtenstein-Germany debate. Offshore/Onshore. Money laundering.   Pat Wall, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers  Download
11:00 Panel Discussion - Tax Competition

Panelists will include:
(Chair) Pat Wall, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Jeffrey Owens, Head of Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD
Michael Gaffney, Global co-head of taxation, Merrill Lynch 
11:20 The Future of Europe's Financial Centres
European financial centres face a future of intensified competition, as the single market starts to affect their prospects as well. Although the European financial sector is thriving, the recent strong growth should be no reason for complacency. The new EU measures, most importantly the prospectus and MiFID directives, directly affect the competitive position of financial centres. 
Rym Ayadi, Head Financial Institutions & Prudential Policy Unit, Centre for European Policy Studies  Download
11:40 Is London guilty of resting on its laurels as a global financial centre?

- Has London grown uncompetitive?
- Are recent UK tax changes driving business to more attractive jurisdictions?
- Is London shackled by excessive regulation?
- Getting to grips with London's poor infrastructure and skills base
- Prospects for growth 
Keith Boyfield, Managing Director, Keith Boyfield Associates  Download
12:00 One Eventful Year Later: Sustaining New York's and the US's Competitiveness in Global Financial Services

- National - not local - policies will determine New York's future role as a global hub

- The imperative for change could not be stronger: global competitive pressure is intensifying as the country weathers its biggest financial crisis in several decades

- There is meaningful progress - breakthrough reforms have been proposed by the Treasury, with positive momentum on Sarbanes Oxley guidance, accounting mutual recognition, and Basle II as well

- New York still faces an uphill battle - the litigation and immigration environment remains toxic to global competitiveness and crisis-related backlash appears more likely each day 
Sandra Boss, Partner, McKinsey & Co 
12:20 Panel Discussion - London v New York
& the top financial centres in North America & Europe versus the rising financial services centres
Panelists will include:
Michael Mainelli, Executive Chairman, Z/Yen
Keith Boyfield, Managing Director, Keith Boyfield Associates
Sandra Boss, Partner, McKinsey & Co
Patrick L Young, Chairman, Derivatives Vision
Rym Ayadi, Head Financial Institutions & Prudential Policy Unit, Centre for European Policy Studies 
13:00 Lunch, Sponsored by Ernst & Young      
14:15 The "Accidental" versus the "Deliberate" centre:
a different way of analysing financial centres.

The importance of local cultural perspectives 
Aidan Walsh, Tax Partner - Financial Services Group, Ernst & Young  Download
14:35 The basis for regulatory modernisation in the EU and US in the future

- The Report by the EU-US Coalition on Financial Regulation
- The implications for European and North American financial centres 
Anthony Belchambers, Chief Executive, Futures and Options Association (FOA)  Download
14:55 The Middle East Financial Centres

- Overview of development of financial centres

- Development of Middle East financial centres in the context of the above and their characteristics

- Comparative analysis of the ME financial centres. 
Jane Dellar, Managing Director, Bahrain Financial Services  Download
15:15 Refreshments .      
15:35 Round Table: Offshore Centres & The Middle East & Far East Financial Centres: With representatives from key centres including: Jersey, Dubai , Qatar, & Singapore.  (Chair) Bob Moore, Director, Guernsey Finance
John Spellman, Director, Isle of Man Finance
Jane Dellar, Managing Director, Bahrain Financial Services
Geoff Cook, Chief Executive, Jersey Finance
Patrick L Young, Chairman, Derivatives Vision 
16:10 The compliance quadrant.  Cormac Murphy, Partner, Financial Services Risk Management, Ernst & Young  Download
16:30 Global Financial Centres from a multinational corporation perspective: IBM  Bernd Schumacher, Partner, IBM Global Business Services  Download
16:50 Roundtable: Offshore Centres, European and other Regional Centres, and Emerging Centres  (Chair) Andrew Rigby, Partner, Brodies LLP
Hartmut Schwesinger, Director, FrankfurtRhineMain
Akkie Lansberg, Managing Director, Holland Financial Centre
Enrique Prados Del Amo, President, Asocacion de Mercados Financieros
Patrick L Young, Chairman, Derivatives Vision 
17:30 "*Bloomsday" Cocktail Reception.

Note: June 16th is "Bloomsday" a commemoration observed annually on this date in Dublin and elsewhere to celebrate the life of the writer James Joyce and relive the events in his novel Ulysses, all of which took place on the same day in Dublin in 1904.  
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IDA Ireland

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