Tuesday, February 18, 2025

178 Nouriel Roubini
Professor of Economics and International Business - New York University

Roubini an economist, and student of market excesses, is widely regarded as having forecast the credit crunch, although there are a group of less well known economists who predicted ambiguities, noise and dissonance in the credit markets that year, for example, economists in organisations such as Goldman Sachs and RBC, the Canadian Bank, who scaled down their exposures in the financial derivatives markets that year, including for example, Georg Grodzki, then with RBC, now with Legal and General, who at a conference in 2006 warned 'the Credit Derivative markets are yet untested in a credit crunch scenario', or Jeffrey Amato, of Goldman Sachs (now with the Bank for International Settlements) who warned of the danger of a major rise in credit defaults.