Tuesday, February 18, 2025

489 James Deeny
Senior Advisor, Financial Services - Invest Northern Ireland

Deeny: advising Northern Ireland on its strategy as a financial services centre

James Deeny, formerly CEO of HSBS Ireland, and with extensive experience in the Republic of Ireland's IDA Ireland in the development of FDI in Ireland, as well as being former head of the Consumer Panel of the Irish Financial Regulator, as a representative of the 500 plus companies making up the Republic's International Financial Services Centre, now acts as the senior adviser of Invest Northern Ireland in developing Northern Ireland's financial centre.

Northern Ireland pursues a financial services strategy based on a twin pronged approach of developing opportunities as a spin off centre for outsourced activities from the Republic of Ireland's mostly, but not uniquely, Dublin-based International Financial Services Centre, and Northern Ireland's own strategy, which is to leverage NI's high skills base in computers and mathematics and quant skills, and its financial services infrastructure which includes properties in the Belfast Titanic Quarter, and in Londonderry, which in its thrust for financial services employment opportunities, has not been slow to emphasise its historic links with its eponymous financial centre namesake London, for example, in visits to the centre by former US President George Bush and NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg, to open a new operations centre in Belfast by Citi.